about jo abbott:

Clinical Anatomist, Clinical Biomechanist, Nutrionist, Personal Trainer, Researcher and Innovator

Qualifications and Experience

There is no denying it.  I was that child that always asked ‘why’.  I’m now the adult who needs to critically analyse all information given to me.  This often earns me the title of a forever student with my family, colleagues and patients.  Albeit I have attended, certified, and/or qualified within various health and wellness disciplines, I always approach each subject matter with the mindset of challenging the information distributed against the evidence based science.

Formal Education:

  • Electro-Mechanical Engineering: 1987
  • Personal Trainer Diploma: 1991
  • Exercise to Music: 1992
  • Diploma in Biomechanics Coaching: 2008
  • Gym Instructor: 2011
  • Sports Massage: 2011
  • PGCert Applied Clinical Anatomy: 2012 (Keele University)
  • Acupuncture and Dry Needling: 2013
  • MSc in Sports Biomechanics
  • Accredited Practitioner of The Bowen Technique: 2016
  • Integrated Systems Model (ISM) Certified: 2018
  • Dynamic Ultrasound Imaging: 2020 (Keele University)
  • Temporomandibular Disease/Dysfunction: 2015 – Present day
  • Phlebotomist: 2021
  • Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Clinical Biomechanics: 2004 - 2023 (University of Chichester) 

Associations & Memberships:

  • The Aerobics Organisation of Great Britain
  • Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS)
  • British Association of Sports and Exercise Scientists (BASES)

Presented at:

  • Biomechanics Special Interest Group: 2012 (BASES)
  • Bowen: 2015
  • Movement & Mechanics Conference: 2014
  • Integrated Allied Health Professionals Conference: 2016
  • Bowen: 2018
  • Integrated Allied Health Professionals Conference: 2019
  • World Congress of Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain: 2019

Taught at:

  • University of Chichester
  • International College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM)
  • Assisted with Diane Lee

Special Interests:

  • Temporomandibular Disease/Dysfunction
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Chronic Musculoskeletal Health Conditions (cellular & structure)
  • Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Poly Vagal Theory
  • Women’s Health
  • Pre and Post Natal
  • Children’s Health & Wellbeing
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Prevention of ill health


  • Ketogenesis (Keto, Ketogenic)
  • Epigenetics
  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
  • Fasting & Autophagy
  • Blood lactates

Innovations & Patents:

  • Extruded Hydraulic Tilt Jack
  • Motorcycle Visor
  • Green Fuelled Vehicle